Position: Green Roof Program – Administrative Coordinator
Job Posting: November 30, 2012
Company: Anacostia Watershed Society
Location: Washington, DC.
Position Description:
The Green Roof Rebate Program helps property managers and building owners in DC by providing educational assistance and financial rebates for vegetated green roofs. The Administrative Coordinator for this program will be responsible for assisting with; program documentation and tracking, outreach communications and education, coordinating team schedules, distribution of rebate funding, assisting with field assessments of existing and new green roofs and other activities as required. The Green Roof Rebate program is part of our Stewardship Department’s – Greening the Built Environment Division which engages community members of all ages in stewardship and restoration actions that increase their awareness of the river, foster enjoyment of nature, and motivate them to further care of a healthy watershed.
For more information, download a detailed job description.
To apply please send cover letter and resume to: mlucy@anacostiaws.org.
Close the Loop! Northeast Kingdom Kickoff Meeting
Highfields is looking forward to collaborating with you all tomorrow at the Close the Loop! Northeast Kingdom Kickoff Meeting which will be held from 5:30-8:00pm at the Lyndon Public Safety Building, just across the street from the Northeast Kingdom Solid Waste Management District at 316 Main Street, Lyndonville, VT. We’re excited to discuss with you all the vision for Close the Loop! NEK and the future of food scrap recycling in VT and the NEK as well as ways that you, your family, school or organization can get involved in closing the loop on the food system by diverting food scraps from the landfill to local agriculture. We’ll be covering a number of topics at the meeting including but not limited to:
- Food scrap hauling for schools, restaurants and businesses,
- Composting pilot project grants for compost collection systems and on-site composting,
- Composting workshops and education,
In addition we’ll hear from a number of local organizations that are on the front lines every day building food security and sustainable agricultural in the NEK. A schedule for the meeting is below. Snacks, refreshments and compost gifts will be provided. Please do not hesitate to contact Highfields with questions at 472-5138 x202. SCHEDULE 5:30-5:45 Highfields Introduction 5:45-6:15 Presentations from Local Organizations
- Paul Tomasi, NEKSWMD
- Joey McClain, Lyndon State College
- Katherine Sims, Green Mountain Farm to School
- James Bently, St. J Academy
- Ed Fox, Vermont Food Bank
- Eric Paris, Tamerlane Farm/Compost Facility
6:15-6:30 Personal Introductions (Who is present at meeting?) 6:30-6:50 Snack Break and Brainstorming Session 6:50-7:20 Breakout Sessions:
- Compost Sites and Composters
- Food Scrap Generators and Food Scrap Collection
- Food Scrap Hauling
7:20-7:50 Breakout Session Recap Presentations 8:00 Meeting Ends
SREL Offers Multiple Grad Assistantships
Please Post Attachment
The University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) is recruiting a cohort of 7 M.S. and 5 Ph.D. level graduate students to work on various topics in the fields of radioecology, toxicology, conservation biology, and restoration ecology. Specific topic areas and faculty mentors include: Radionuclide and heavy metal contamination in long-lived reptiles (Dr. Tracey Tuberville - 2 M.S.); Scavenging ecology and contaminant uptake (Dr. Jim Beasley -1 M.S/Ph.D. and Dr. Gene Rhodes – 1 M.S.); Spatial ecology of vertebrates in relation to radionuclide exposure (Dr. Jim Beasley – 1 Ph.D.); Genomic biomarkers and genotoxicology in wildlife exposed to chronic low dose irradiation and/or metals (Dr. Stacey Lance – 1 Ph.D.); Amphibian ecotoxicology and evolutionary toxicology (Dr. Stacey Lance – 1 M.S.); Metagenomics of bacterial communities exposed to chronic radionuclide contamination (Dr. J Vaun McArthur – 1 Ph.D.); Biogeochemical quantification of tritium in living organismal tissues (Dr. John Seaman – 1 Ph.D.); Biogeochemistry, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in constructed wetlands (Dr. Gary Mills – 1 M.S.); Restoration ecology of invertebrate communities in erosion impacted watersheds (Dr. J Vaun Mcarthur – 1 M.S.); Soil restoration and erosion mitigation (Dr. John Seaman – 1 M.S.); and Mitigation of invasive species impacts on threatened and endangered species in the Pacific (Dr. Gene Rhodes – 1 Ph.D.).
It is anticipated that students would start their programs of study in the spring or summer of 2013. SREL is located on the Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina, approximately 2.5 hours from the main UGA campus. Students will be directly supervised by SREL faculty and will be appointed through various departments on the main UGA campus depending upon their ability to meet the admission requirements of individual academic units and the departmental affiliation of the SREL faculty member with whom they work. Prospective departments include: The Odum School of Ecology (Rhodes, Lance, McArthur); the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources (Tuberville, Beasley, Mills, Rhodes); and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (Seaman).
Graduate Assistantship support for M.S. students ($21,308.00) and Ph.D. students ($23,031.00) will be provided to successful applicants on an annual basis. Students on an annual stipend receive tuition waivers, however student fees of approximately $1,095 per semester, which include the matriculation fee and activity, athletic, health, student facilities, technology and transportation fees will be assessed.
Students should have a B.S. or M.S. degree in a field closely related to their prospective research topic. We are seeking students with a strong work ethic, excellent verbal and written communication skills, excellent quantitative skills, the ability to work independently and as a productive member of a research team, and the ability to perform work in challenging field conditions or in laboratory environments as required. Student must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and competitive GRE scores. Please see the following links for specific requirements for each school/department:
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Odum School of Ecology
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Department of Geology
Please contact the individual SREL faculty member with whom you are interested in working at the email address given below by October 15 for full consideration. With your email, please provide a statement of interest, a current C.V., copies of your most recent GRE scores, and a copy of your transcripts. If selected to compete for these assistantships, you will be encouraged to apply to the appropriate UGA department.
Tracey Tuberville (tuberville@srel.edu); Jim Beasley (beasley@srel.edu); Gary Mills (mills@srel.edu);
J Vaun Mcarthur (mcarthur@srel.edu); Stacey Lance (lance@srel.edu); John Seaman (seaman@srel.edu); Gene Rhodes (rhodes@srel.edu).
Agency of Natural Resources
Climate Change Team Intern
The Agency of Natural Resources is looking for an intern to manage our ongoing education and outreach activities. The primary work activity is production of their quarterly newsletter "CLIMATE CONNECTION" In addition, we are in the process of developing a database of climate change research relevant to Vermont. The project is in beta version right now. There is an in-house developer. The intern will be working with the developer to debug the beta version, assist as necessary in the rollout of this database to the public, entering content into the database, preparing general public summaries of the reports and seeking out additional entries to add.
Click here for more info and to apply
Stone Environmental
General Admin Intern
Stone Environmental, Inc. is a 40-person environmental science and geographic information systems (GIS) consulting firm founded in 1992. Stone offers a wide variety of services to local, national, and international clients. Our team of multidisciplinary professionals is organized into five distinct groups that share a common theme: water quality.
Stone Environmental, Inc is seeking an energetic individual to fill an administrative assistant position who has excellent organizational and communication skills, strong attention to detail and the ability to handle repetitive tasks. The position will grow to include other various tasks.
Click here for more info and to apply
The Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawaii seeks to fill a position of Laboratory/Field Technician. The successful applicant will join a lab using tracers to study processes relevant to climate change and human impacts on the environment (e.g., air-sea gas exchange, ocean circulation, coastal carbon cycling, flow and transport of nutrients and contaminants in continental waters). See <http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/~ho/projects/> for more information on current and recent projects.
We seek a highly motivated, independent but team-oriented technician, to perform the following duties:
• Develop and construct new analytical instruments for atmospheric, oceanic, and estuarine observations.
• Organize instruments and logistics for, and participate in, land-based and sea-going fieldwork locations throughout the world.
• Perform laboratory measurements of air and water samples.
• Maintain analytical instrumentation and inventory of samples. Perform basic laboratory and instrument maintenance and organization.
• Participate in data extraction, reduction and processing from specialized research instrumentation, and provide support for preparation of reports to funding agencies and publication of results in peer-reviewed journals.
Primary: Bachelor’s Degree in Earth Sciences, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or closely related science. 3-5 years of experience in laboratory work in instrumentation, Geochemistry, or Engineering. 1-2 years of experience with gas chromatography. Knowledge of electronics. Knowledge of Mac and Windows operating systems. Familiarity with the use of spreadsheets (e.g., MS Excel). Knowledge of the methods, materials, procedures, and techniques used in oceanographic research, particularly gas chromatographic techniques, sampling, and analysis. Able to conduct trace gas sampling and measurements in the field and at sea under harsh environmental, weather and sea conditions. Must have good oral and written communication skills, and the ability to interact well with other personnel in the university, office, lab, and ship environments. In good health and able to work effectively for extended periods in the field or at sea. Able to lift and carry 50 lbs.
Secondary: MS in Earth Sciences, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or closely related science. Familiarity with LabVIEW. Machine shop certification. Experience working in an academic or research setting.
INQUIRIES: David Ho, ho@hawaii.edu
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Please go to www.rcuh.com, click on “Employment”; select “Apply” and navigate to “See Job Announcements and/or Apply for a Job.” You must submit the following documents online to be considered for the position: 1) Cover Letter, 2) Resume, 3) Salary History, 4) Supervisory References, 5) Copy of Degree(s)/Transcript(s)/Certificate(s). All online applications must be submitted/received by the closing date (11:59 P.M. Hawaii Standard Time/RCUH receipt time) as stated on the job posting. If you do not have access to our system and the closing date is imminent, you may send additional documents to rcuhhr@rcuh.com. If you have questions on the application process and/or need assistance, please call (808)956-3100.
CLOSING DATE: October 15, 2012.
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