Farm to Plate is looking for 17 people who are active in the Farm to Plate Network to serve as Vermont delegates to the New England Food Summit, organized by Food Solutions New England. This year it will take place on June 11-12 in Boston (this is the 5th such summit). This year's summit will include a focus on fair price, urban and metropolitan food system issues, and the central place of food justice and racial equity in food system sustainability. In particular, delegates should be prepared to engage in questions of race, equity, and food justice in the food system.
Each of the 6 New England states sends 12 delegates who come from a wide range of connection points in the food system to represent their state -- and also sends an Emerging Leaders delegation of 19-29 year olds (3 per state), a funders delegation (2 per state), and this year, a food chain workers delegation (2 per state).
You can nominate yourself or nominate someone you know. We do this in an effort to encourage a diverse group to attend. It's a great event each year and would help you to get a good grounding in the regional food system development work going on around us. If you'd like to learn more about FSNE and about the Summit, go here: http://www.foodsolutionsne.org/2014-summit [note: the URL has not been change but the info on this page is for the 2015 Summit]. All the information you need to know - cost, timing, accommodations, etc. can be found on this web page. If the cost of attending would be prohibitive, please apply anyways and indicate on the nomination form that you would like to discuss the possibility of receiving some financial support, so that you can attend the summit, in the event that you are selected for the delegation.
The deadline for sending in nomination forms to our office will be March 30 -- please return nominations forms to Stephanie Smith (Stephanie@vsjf.org<mailto:Stephanie@vsjf.org>). The nomination form is here: http://www.foodsolutionsne.org/sites/default/files/FSNE%20Delegation%20Nomination%20Form%202015.pdf The F2P Steering Committee will be reviewing all submitted applications and will make a decision by late April about who will be asked to represent Vermont at this year's Summit.
Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to talk over your nomination or if you have ideas about others we should be reaching out to. In particular, we could use some assistance in identifying some food chain workers who might be interested in attending. If you know people who work at food coops or in grocery stores, or are farm workers, PLEASE forward this email on to them and also cc: me so that I can do some follow up.
Thank you for considering this invitation to attend the 2015 New England Food Summit.
Ellen Kahler
Executive Director
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
3 Pitkin Court, Suite 301e
Montpelier, VT 05602
We are currently accepting applications from students at VGN network institutions (BPIs, CCV, and Landmark College) for summer research with faculty at locations outside the BPIs: Albany College of Pharmacy Vermont Campus, Vermont VA Medical Center, UVM medical school or other institutions in the NE IDeA region (New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island and Delaware that have institutions like Jackson Labs, Maine Medical Center and Delaware State University). The stipend ($4,562) and workman's compensation totals $5,000 for each student. $1,000 per student will also be provided in the subcontract for supplies or travel. Additional funds for travel and accommodations will be made available if the student internship is out of state.
Please note that CCV and Landmark College students are eligible for internships at our BPIs (Castleton, Johnson and Lyndon State Colleges, Green Mountain College, Norwich University, Middlebury College, and Saint Michael's College) as well as the institutions listed above.
Applications must be completed online by the student. Students will select a priority institution and be matched with an investigator doing research in a subject area of interest to the student. The due date is be February 20, 2015. The information and application can be found at VGN Undergraduate Student Summer Research Support 2015.
C2C Fellows sustainability leadership training, weekend workshop in NYC, March 27-29.
C2C workshops are for current students and recent graduates who want high-impact careers that can change the future through NGO's and government, and in sustainable business. Join C2C to learn the leadership skills necessary to succeed: how to develop a vision; know what you’re good at; tell your story; raise money; and build your network. The cost of the weekend trainings, including food is $30. Students must arrange their own housing in the NYC area.
Graduates of our workshops are eligible for scholarships to become funded graduate students at Bard's Center for Environmental Policy, and Bard's new MBA in Sustainability. Read more about the benefits of joining the growing national network of over 500 C2C Fellows here.
Students aspiring to sustainability leadership in policy, politics and business should apply now to join student leaders from across the country. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and only 60 participants will be accepted into each workshop.
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